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Solar Power Installed in Mandinaba Temporary Library

Before the available of solar as a source of lighten in the library candles were used on each table to convenience of the users. As the number of library users increased and hours extended, the users realized that the lightening system was not enough for them to enjoy reading book.

Meanwhile, the installation of solar in the library has created an impact. The users have double the capacity of the library. Others sit on benches outside the library under the light to read their books at night. Majority of middle school and secondary school going pupils used it after dawn because of the availability of lights. Also the location looks a bit noisy during the day or would be at school. This has motivated the librarians to start the much talked about discussion on the burning issues affecting young people and community for Friday and Saturday night. Most importantly some parents have even started escorting their children to library.

Presently, the solar panel is sustaining five (5) bulbs, fours (4) inside and one (1) outside. There is no bulb at back presently and we want to extend the lights behind to attract more readers and for security purposes. For now thank the all the donors who contributed to the solar your efforts cannot be under estimated towards the success of the library. Thank to all other donors to the “NAFAA” library project.

View Gambia Observer Article

Ousman A Bah
WOD Country Coordinator
The Gambia

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